Effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and hips at home

Exercise for weight loss belly and hips

Often the people who begin to lead a healthy life, I am surprised how fast lose weight certain parts of the body, and the belly remains the same.

Also some athletes, it is evident that serves your area of life. Why is happening and what exercises to lose weight stomach and hips allow you to deal with the "salvation" about life?

The causes of the formation of deposits of fat in hips and belly

The appearance of fat on belly and hip carry:

  • life without sports activities;
  • the overcoming of the daily requirement of calories;
  • the fermentation processes in the intestine.

Constantly eating sweets, cakes and fried foods, it is possible to recover up to 5 kg in a month! And all of this is necessarily postponed in the central part of the body. A healthy diet in collaboration with the sport allow you to get rid of a few extra pounds around the waist.

Effective exercises for slimming the abdomen and hips at home

The following exercises are performed without any accessories in sports equipment. Between them must necessarily be minute break.

Not worth starting the exercise when:

  • diseases of the heart;
  • serious disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the organs of the pelvis and of the abdomen;
  • of pregnancy;
  • criticism of these days.

Exercise "Vacuum"

This exercise will give you a greater effect if you run in the morning and on an empty stomach. It is based on a correct functioning with the breath.

Beginners we recommend the "blank" lying down with the legs bent, sitting or standing on all four legs. After these technical mastered, you can move on to the more complex option execution — in walk in full growth.

Run as follows:

  • in a comfortable starting position take a deep breath through the nose;
  • drastically exhale through the mouth (you need as quickly as possible to clear the lungs) and hold your breath;
  • during expiration, strongly involve the stomach, trying if sticking the belly to the back;
  • stay in this position for 10-15 seconds, not relaxing the muscles of the body;
  • breathe out slowly and gradually relax the muscles;
  • make more peaceful the cycles of breathing and repeat the exercise.

For 1 times is necessary to perform 3-5 repetitions, gradually bringing the breath up to 30 seconds, and feeling the work of the abdominal muscles. For a visible result it is necessary to repeat the exercise "vacuum" 3-4 times a week for 2-3 weeks.

Thanks exercise "Empty":

  • it reduces the amount of visceral fat;
  • you will see a good posture;
  • to become stronger muscles of the body;
  • will decrease the pain in the lumbar spine.

Belt with shots of the scene

This is the classic strap on the arms, where the elbows remain below the shoulders, the palms are linked together in a fist, the legs are straight, the loins will not bend.

Technique of execution:

  • create a straight line from the head to the stop;
  • during exhalation, lower the pelvis toward the right, as if trying to touch the thigh to the floor, but without touching it;
  • on inspiration to come back in a static position;
  • with the following, exhale to lower the pelvis to the left;
  • continue to breathe calmly and do 30-40 reps for each side, not to stop.

This exercise helps to:

  • deeply of a line and a bar in the abdominal muscles;
  • feel the buttocks;
  • strengthen the hip joints and remove the boca.

The sidebar

Practicing constantly, all the abdominal muscles, glutes, and arms will be included in a job helps to reduce the size of the body.

Run as follows:

  • lie down on your side, elbow to put on the floor under your shoulder, arm fully stretched on the floor;
  • lift the pelvis upwards from the floor, creating a straight line from the head to the stop;
  • breathe quietly for 10-15 seconds;
  • run on the other side.

You must repeat the belt side 3-4 times in a and from the other side.

The sidebar promotes:

  • the creation of life;
  • the deep work of the muscles of the legs, torso, and arms;
  • reduction of the scoliosis.

Lunges with twists

Starting position: stand with your belly facing the inside.

It would be desirable to avoid dropping the front knee of the foot towards the inside, and also not to give the body change perpendicular to the floor line.

Technique of execution:

  • take a step back, dropping the knee of the back leg on a surface and holding the front leg to the vertical;
  • rotate the torso and the arms to the outside of the front part of the foot during the exhalation;
  • on inspiration to go back to the starting position and repeat 20-30 times in each direction.

The effect of exercise:

  • the strong muscles of the thighs and buttocks;
  • in-depth study of the oblique muscles of the abdomen;
  • strengthen the muscles of the back.

The slopes to the side

This exercise reduces body fat "salvation," and strengthen the oblique muscles of the abdomen. So life can increase due to muscle.

Starting position: the foot a bit wider than the pelvis, the palm collected on the nape of the neck, the abs are included in the work, the pelvis and the legs remain concentrated, coccyx forward.

Technique of execution:

  • during the exhalation tilt your body rigorously on a plane in a direction, extending the other;
  • breathe quietly for 5-10 seconds;
  • on inspiration to go back to the starting position and repeat for the other side.

By strengthening the muscles in the body, the shutter speed can increase up to 30 seconds. To increase the amount of the expenditure of energy, it is possible to keep the hands raised upwards.

Lifting of the legs on a chair

In practice, the muscles of the stomach to be always toned and belly and hips begin to melt before the eyes. You need a chair without a backrest.

Starting position: sitting on the edge of the chair, clinging to him with hands on two sides, keeping the legs straight, as soon as it touches the floor.

Technique of execution:

  • to deviate a little back to align the body and head in one line;
  • during the exhale, keeping the legs together, bend your knees, and to send to the body;
  • linger to 1 second, and inhale return to the starting position;
  • repeat 30-50 times, don't hold your breath.


They are performed lying on the back, where the legs bent at the knees, the palms load behind the nape of the neck.

The technique of the exercise:

  • exhale and lift your upper body by pressing lower back to the floor;
  • pause on 1 second in the highest position, feeling the load on the abdominal muscles;
  • inhale slowly to fall on the floor, control cabinet;
  • repeat 15-30 times for 4-5 approaches.

For a greater effect, repeat twist 2-3 times a week for a full muscle recovery after exercise.

Twist deeply begin the upper part of the rectus abdominis, increasing the rate of burning fat on the hips.

Crunch reverse

Difference of normal twists in the reverse of the print is shrinking, thanks to the lifting of the legs, and not of the basin.

She is lying on the floor, where the arms extended to the sides of the body, the legs possibly straightened.

The technique of the exercise:

  • exhale and lift your legs upward, lifting the lower back from the floor, as if twisting the pelvis to the shoulders;
  • on the inspiration of the legs and back, slowly sink to the floor;
  • repeat 15-30 times for 4-5 approaches, following the breath.

Torsion bars

They match perfectly with any other basic exercise for the pumping of the rectus muscle of the abdomen.

You must lie down with your back on the floor with the legs bend at the knees, the palms to twist on the head.

Technique of execution:

  • the ankle of one leg to put the knee in another;
  • the body lifts up in the exhale and a bit of a twist, if the elbow extends at the knee, the opposite foot;
  • on inspiration to go back to the starting position and do the same for the other side with change of foot;
  • repeat 15-30 times for 4-5 approaches.

Twist with your feet raised

Combine all types of loads, then press always works.

Initial position: the entire back on the surface, legs raised upward, and the leg forming with the sides a right angle, the palm of the hand are on the back of the head.

Technique of execution:

  • by exhaling, the box rises gently to the top, rounding the thoracic spine, moves the head towards the knees;
  • A 1 second delay, and with the breath of the body to descend gently towards the bottom;
  • repeat 15-30 times on 4 approach.

Bend side

Exercise helps to pull up the belly and increase muscle endurance.

Starting position: your back on the floor, hands load back of the head, legs slightly bent and turned in one direction, the body is rolled up in the side pane.

Technique of execution:

  • during exhalation the head is raised, the blades detach from the floor;
  • inhale, the body slowly descends to the bottom;
  • repeat 12-15 times, 2-3 approach, rotate your knees to the other side and repeat.

It should be remembered to adjust breath and look at the ceiling, without bending the neck.

Twist "Bicycle"

They are performed lying on the floor with the legs a little bent, and raised to the sides are perpendicular to the floor, the fingers of the hands clasped on the nape of the neck.

Technique of execution:

  • during expiration, perform a twist to the right, trying to touch your left elbow to your right knee;
  • at this time the left leg is closer to the body;
  • on inspiration the cash goes to the bottom;
  • change side.

Do the number of times you will start to feel a burning sensation in your abdominal muscles.


  • study top, bottom, and slanted newspapers;
  • powerful process of decomposition in the side pane.

All of the above mentioned training help you in the shortest time possible to reduce the amount of fat on the abdomen and hips. Combine this with a healthy diet and enough sleep, the body turned into the best.